JUSTSEN System Elements (OEM)
Justsen designs and manufactures a large range of system elements to be used in connection with fuel handling and energy systems. The equipment is designed to the same high standards and build quality as all other products under the Justsen brand.
- Fuel Containers with built-in pushrod silo extraction systems
- Hydraulic Pushrod Extraction Systems type JUE-ST
- Silo Extractors type JUE-VI/M-2
- Module Built Boiler Rooms with all internal installations
- Double Hoppers for crane feeding and mixing of different fuel types
- Hydraulic Pushers type JUE-Box-2 Hardox
- Watercooled Moving Step Grates type JUE-VKR
- Ash Chain Conveyors type JUE-KT Hardox
- Bag Filters type JUE-PF with internal bypass
- Urea based Selective Non Catalytic NOX Reduction Systems (SNCR)
Please contact our sales department for further information.